Countries with a large youth population, such as India, benefit greatly from investing in education and creating an industry-ready, job-ready workforce to bridge the massive gap between what academia produces and what the industry wants. An employable workforce is not just equipped with core, technical knowledge, but also employability or soft skills, which empowers them to communicate effectively, be a team player, present themselves professionally, and approach problems with a positive attitude.
Numerous surveys and reports have shown that hiring managers and companies look for candidates with a good mix of hard and soft skills, sometimes even giving preference to soft or employability skills over the domain or hard skills. However, most educational institutes currently do not offer any employability skills training or teach how to be job ready. In contrast, it is important for the youth to get trained in problem-solving, critical thinking and customer-centricity etc., to enhance their employment prospects.
With the increasing adoption of modern digital technologies, including artificial intelligence and machine learning, working professionals may find it tough to keep pace with a dynamic work environment. The employability skills training can help these professionals to adapt to change and gain knowledge on skills like workplace awareness.
Recognizing the need to upskill the youth to be job-ready, Wadhwani Opportunity offers free soft skills training guiding them on how to improve skills for job. Its courses are digital and designed to impart 21st Century employability skillsou seja, habilidades que aumentam as chances de uma pessoa conseguir um emprego que sustente a família. O currículo foi desenvolvido após intensa pesquisa e contribuições de especialistas do setor. Os cursos fazem uso de simulações para garantir uma experiência prática. Ele também apresenta um programa de avaliação que mede o progresso.
O curso Job Ready do Wadhwani Opportunity o ajudará a aumentar sua confiança, ensinará como participar de discussões em grupo e aprimorará suas habilidades de comunicação (incluindo comunicação verbal e escrita e escuta ativa). Você também aprenderá a negociar, lidar positivamente com clientes, administrar o tempo e adquirir inteligência emocional. O curso também inclui lições sobre como participar de entrevistas de emprego com sucesso. É preciso muita preparação antes de comparecer a uma entrevista, e o curso o ajudará a ter sucesso e a entender como fazer o acompanhamento com a empresa.
Oportunidade Wadhwani Job Rise course will help you advance in your career with the required job-related information. It teaches you the mindset needed for career growth, handling change, paying attention to detail, making decisions, responding to criticism, and improving productivity.
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(Para estudantes que estão prontos para assumir um emprego ou profissionais que acabaram de iniciar sua carreira)