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Ser uma mulher empreendedora: Vivendo meu sonho



Ser uma mulher empreendedora: Vivendo meu sonho

Even though my tenure as an entrepreneur has been a short one, it seems that I have been an entrepreneur for long. The decision to quit a salaried life to pursue MBA and then to leave possible high paying salaried jobs to pursue the entrepreneurial passion developed during my graduation days is a decision I cherish.

What shapes my decisions?

The confidence and belief that my subconscious mind and intuition has in me whenever I say that “I Can” has a major role to play in my day-to-day decisions. Understanding my aspirations, my likings and in turn training me to be comfortable while taking a path different from the crowd has been my strength. “When you fall while running, just get up quick and run faster” is what my dad used to tell me in my student days. This is what I have learnt from failure. I believe in defining my success which is far away from any comparison with others. Being able to express myself and having the courage to question the status quo when required, gives me the freedom to live life my way.

How important is support for women entrepreneurs?

The path to entrepreneurship itself is difficult. Being a women entrepreneur can become more challenging if you are not backed by moral support. My family has made my journey a lot easier. Business is a very uncommon term to the family I belong. However, my parents and my siblings have been a great support by believing in every step that I take and allowing me the bandwidth to face uncertainties. I have got the opportunity to address many girls who are currently pursuing their MBA and want to plunge into entrepreneurship. They have a common question to ask me “How did your parents allow you to do this?” I have an answer for them. Entrepreneurship is about getting people to buy into your vision and then doing your 100% to achieve it. You need to convey your vision to your investors, to your customers, and so on. If it is that what we need to keep doing along the journey, why should it be impossible for us to buy some time from our parents? The changing scenario in India, government and the entrepreneurial ecosystem developers are doing their best to help us.

What are the challenges and learnings?

Entrepreneurship is a path full of challenges. In my case, the challenges are common to those faced by any entrepreneur. But if a woman does not have the right kind of support from her family and friends, she should be ready to face additional challenges.

The entrepreneurial path leaves you with everyday learnings, and I would like to share the one I think is most important to keep you fueled along the journey. When you pursue your passion, there are high chances that you do not get tired even if you have worked continuously for days and every entrepreneur will agree to this. To combat this, take sufficient breaks and spend time with your loved ones. The highs and lows are a part of the entrepreneurial journey but there are times when you will think of quitting, and this is when you need to outlive.

Any suggestions for budding women entrepreneurs?

We have got only one life, and each one of us was created to make a difference. If you have already found your purpose, it is worth moving in that direction irrespective of the uncertainties that you might face. When you start walking on the path with belief in you, the satisfaction is immense, and every day is worth living. Live life on clear terms because for achieving your dreams the most important thing is to be disciplined.

To any woman who has ever thought of creating her path, I would like to say that sharpen your will to a point till it gives you the strength to overcome all that stands between you and your goal. Whenever there is turmoil, which there will be for sure, just keep walking and keep saying to yourself, “Yes I can”. I am very sure you will reach your destination if you don’t quit although it may take time. Dream big and feel proud of speaking out your dreams.

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