Yayasan Wadhwani

Wadhwani Ignite Bootcamp

The Wadhwani Ignite Bootcamp is an immersive program designed to empower participants to validate their venture ideas or initial prototypes. This bootcamp provides a structured approach to testing venture concepts against market needs. Participants are guided through the process of validating their ideas, culminating in a presentation that competes in a final competition.

Eligibility to apply for the bootcamp:

For Students:

Undergraduate and postgraduate students from all disciplines (engineering, business, arts, etc.) who are actively involved in entrepreneurial activities, such as:

  • Participating in Hackathons and Ideathons/Pitchathons
  • Working on their own business ideas
  • Actively seeking mentorship or guidance for their entrepreneurial pursuits


For Professionals & Others:

Individuals working in various sectors who are:

  • Exploring entrepreneurial opportunities within their current roles or as a career shift
  • Developing business plans for their own ventures
  • Seeking guidance and support to enhance their entrepreneurial skills and knowledge

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