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  • Recognized for exceptional contributions to entrepreneurship and innovation
  • Celebrates impact of Genie AI in skilling and entrepreneurial development
  • Acknowledges role in bridging skills gap and fostering economic growth

New Delhi,30-06-2024-Wadhwani Foundation, renowned for its commitment to fostering entrepreneurship and empowering individuals through innovative initiatives like Genie AI, has been awarded the prestigious “Best Startup Supporter” accolade at Startup Mahakumbh 2024. This recognition underscores the Foundation’s pivotal role in driving economic growth by equipping millions with essential skills and entrepreneurial resources.

Founded by Dr. Romesh Wadhwani, Wadhwani Foundation has significantly impacted the global job market with initiatives that include:

  • Genie AI: An AI-powered platform offering personalized learning and entrepreneurial support.
  • Keterampilan Wadhwani: Providing industry-relevant training to bridge the skills gap.
  • Wadhwani Ignite: Empowering aspiring entrepreneurs with mentorship and funding opportunities.

Startup Mahakumbh is a premier event celebrating innovation and entrepreneurship, bringing together industry leaders, investors, and startups to showcase groundbreaking ideas and foster collaboration. The event serves as a platform for networking, knowledge exchange, and recognizing outstanding contributions to the startup ecosystem.

About Startup Mahakumbh: Startup Mahakumbh is a leading event in the startup ecosystem, celebrating innovation and entrepreneurship. It brings together startups, investors, and industry leaders to showcase innovative ideas, foster collaboration, and recognize excellence in startup support and innovation.

Sumber: FutureTech Media

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