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Wadhwani Advantage meluncurkan Program Akselerasi yang didedikasikan khusus untuk Industri Kesehatan

The program focuses on assisting businesses across the spectrum, from manufacturers of medical devices to pharmaceutical firms and healthcare delivery providers.


Karena pandemi COVID telah memberikan dampak negatif yang signifikan terhadap kesehatan, ekonomi, dan masyarakat global, perusahaan medis dan para ahli sekarang siap untuk memanfaatkan banyak peluang dan membangun masa depan industri perawatan kesehatan.

Untuk mempercepat proses tersebut, program Wadhwani Advantage yang unik memberdayakan bisnis di sektor perawatan kesehatan yang memiliki kemampuan untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan ekonomi mereka sebesar 2x-10x dengan bantuan 'Alat Penemuan dan Transformasi Bisnis' otomatis. Program Wadhwani Advantage mencakup 1-12 bulan keterlibatan dan menawarkan dukungan langsung hingga tiga tahun yang diaktifkan melalui proses akselerasi bisnis yang dipimpin oleh Kecerdasan Buatan yang dipersonalisasi.

This program aims to ignite the growth of businesses in the healthcare sector, accelerate revenues and free cash flows to fund growth for maximizing their growth potential through ‘Do-It-Yourself (DIY)’ discovery and business solution tool kits and other knowledge resources using AI-enabled automated logic and personalized interventions. Wadhwani Advantage has partnered with the Association of Indian Medical Device Industry (AIMED), Voice of Healthcare (VOH) and Xynteo Vikaasato to leverage synergies in the healthcare space. Those businesses interested in applying can do so at:

The goal is to strengthen the business ecosystem without any commercial expectations. The Wadhwani Advantage offerings are high-quality interventions without charging any price. The curated advisors will offer pro bono and subsidizedor success-based fees, if needed, to help the businesses to finish their transformation journey and be certified by Wadhwani Advantage.

Speaking on the program, Samir Sathe, Executive Vice President, Wadhwani Advantage at Wadhwani Foundation, said, “Healthcare is a key focus area for Wadhwani Foundation. This program seeks to enable the acceleration of enterprises, which are able to address some of the largest and neglected areas of the healthcare system in India. Through this program, we aim to strengthen the Indian healthcare sector by supporting and empowering business enterprises in the sector. We aim to build partnerships with leading healthcare ecosystem stakeholders to jointly represent the voice of the healthcare businesses and work for their enablement.”

Wadhwani Advantage has come up with its own proprietary Wadhwani Index and Scoring system that would set the goals for performance improvement. The proprietary automated discovery tool is designed to empower the businesses to measure performance on the basis of 27 key performance indicators, with eight among them as the most important ones, across the seven quarters in the past and into the future and also allows these companies to compare themselves with industry benchmarks. The committed consultants engaged with the program will assist the businesses in using this tool and help the Healthcare component companies aspire towards industry leadership.

Program Wadhwani Advantage telah membangun puluhan skenario untuk setiap indikator dan telah menggunakan kecerdasan dan logika otomatis untuk merekomendasikan proyek-proyek transformasi yang tepat yang harus dilakukan oleh usaha kecil untuk mengubah dan mempercepat pertumbuhan mereka.


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BW Healthcare World
Outlook India
Bio Spectrum India
Jalan UKM
Buku Harian Pendidikan India
UNI India

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