Mahasiswa perguruan tinggi negeri di Karnataka mendapatkan pelatihan Bahasa Inggris lisan gratis



Mahasiswa perguruan tinggi negeri di Karnataka mendapatkan pelatihan Bahasa Inggris lisan gratis

Training in spoken English will be offered to empower students to be well-equipped in a competitive era

The government will enter into a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Wadhwani Foundation to teach free spoken English to government college students, Minister for Higher Education M.C. Sudhakar told the Legislative Council on Monday.

Online Link: Hindu

MoU for spoken English Sudhakar said that the government has decided to enter into an MoU with Wadhwani Foundation,  an NGO, to teach spoken English to government school students. The agency will help government school students learn English to find jobs.

Online Link: New Indian Express

To enhance the employability of college students, the state government is developing a programme aimed at offering free spoken English classes to government college students. The same will also be offered to teaching faculty, said MC Sudhakar, minister for higher education, on Saturday.

The minister during his maiden visit to Mangalore University said though Kannada is the official language of the state, knowing English has become the need of the hour for employment.

“Be it any industry, hotel or IT office, there is a requirement to know English for the job. For this the government will enter into a memorandum of understanding with the Wadhwani Foundation. The MoU is ready and will be signed soon,” he said. The Karnataka Higher Education Academy, Dharwad, will also train teachers in spoken English.

Online Link: Times of India

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