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Budget 2023 Expectations

“With multiple government schemes assisting in the growth of MSME ecosystem, there is an increasing demand for various financial and non-financial services that will help MSMEs in their growth journey. Incentivizing these service providers and improving reach to the MSME segment will significantly increase the supply. This will help MSMEs build systems, talent, capacity, infrastructure, access to capital and other ingredients to meet the growth demand.” – Vipul Verma, Executive Vice President, Wadhwani Advantage

Sumber: News18;; Deccan Herald


“MSMEs need significantly progressive policies to spur new product investments, startup and MSME partnerships, cluster and district competitiveness related schemes and finally incentives to create and ride the E-Commerce wave.” – Samir Sathe, Executive Vice President, Wadhwani Advantage

Sumber: Zee News

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