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Kecakapan Kerja

Menawarkan kecakapan kesiapan kerja dalam berbagai sektor yang didukung AI
dan paling dihargai oleh pemberi kerja.

Kecakapan Kerja

Menawarkan kecakapan kesiapan kerja dalam berbagai sektor yang didukung AI
dan paling dihargai oleh pemberi kerja.

In today’s dynamic job market, securing and sustaining employment requires more than technical expertise. Essential soft skills such as communication, adaptability, professionalism, customer focus, and innovation—collectively known as “Employability Skills”—are crucial for competitiveness. 

Our program, developed through feedback, extensive research, and insights from over 2,000 employers, targets 15 key in-demand skills necessary for securing a family-sustaining job. It includes interview preparation to ensure learners are upskilled and job ready. Delivered through classroom-based learning and supplemented by a mobile-first, AI copilot-powered experiential learning platform, our program features scenario-based simulations making learning fun & on-demand. Learner analytics allow programs to be personalized to each learner’s needs and style. 

We offer the JobReady program for students and apprentices from various educational institutes such as Industrial Training Institutes (ITI’s), Vocational Training Institutes (VTI’s), Diploma and Degree colleges, equipping them with the right skills needed to confidently enter the workforce.  

Selain itu, kami JobRise course helps companies upskill their employees, enhancing workplace success. 

We work extensively with our network of academic and government partners & employers to offer the Employability Skills program to their students & new hires. To introduce this program in your organization or institute, please reach out to us sini. 

Individual learners eager to enhance their skills can also benefit from our modular programs, through a simple registration process. 

Tahukah Anda?

Buku teks Kecakapan Kerja yang diterbitkan oleh NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training) untuk siswa kelas 9 hingga 12 dari dewan CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) India ditulis bersama oleh Wadhwani Foundation!

Penawaran Utama

Empowerment Pathways 

Who’s It For 

Apprentices, Freshers, Foundational Skill Builders  

Key Skills Covered

13 Competencies 

Journey Duration 

120 hours 

Empowerment Pathways 

Who’s It For 

Employees with 1-3 years of experience, Skill Advancers 

Key Skills Covered

10 Competencies 

Journey Duration 

70 hours 

Skill Scorecard yang Dipersonalisasi

Setelah menyelesaikan program, peserta akan mendapatkan Scorecard Kecakapan Kerja yang dipersonalisasi. Scorecard ini memberikan gambaran komprehensif mengenai kinerja mereka di setiap kompetensi, sehingga memungkinkan mereka untuk menunjukkan kekuatan mereka kepada calon pemberi kerja.

Scorecard juga berfungsi sebagai alat yang berharga bagi pemberi kerja untuk dengan cepat menyaring calon pekerja berdasarkan kompetensi atau keterampilan yang mereka butuhkan.

Untuk siapa program ini?

Lembaga Pelatihan Industri (ITI), Lembaga Pelatihan Kejuruan (VTI), perguruan tinggi Program Diploma dan Sarjana

Kami bekerja secara ekstensif dengan jaringan mitra akademis kami untuk menawarkan program Kecakapan Kerja kepada peserta. Jelajahi penawaran program ini di sini.

We help companies skill up their existing employees on these core competencies and achieve success in the workplace. A win-win for both the employer and employee! Inquire about the possibility of introducing this program to your organization here.

Peserta Perorangan
Any one with the zest to learn and up-skill is welcome to experience our core and next-level modular programs through a simple registration process.

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