Wadhwani Foundation meluncurkan platform pengembangan keterampilan AI di Filipina



Wadhwani Foundation meluncurkan platform pengembangan keterampilan AI di Filipina

The Bangalore-based Wadhwani Foundation, a nonprofit founded in 2001 by Silicon Valley entrepreneur and Giving Pledge signatory Romesh Wadhwani, has launched an AI-powered platform to address education and employment gaps in the Philippines.

Wadhwani GenieAI, a mobile-first platform, includes several AI co-pilot tools to provide career counseling tools, help students build in-demand job skills and make informed career choices, and train educators to deliver AI-driven career counseling. In addition, the foundation’s grantmaking arm will offer grants of up to $1 million annually to high-impact organizations focused on job fulfillment or creation. The foundation currently collaborates with more than 60 partners across the Philippines, reaching 22,000 students through its AI platform.

“Our free AI-powered platform provides access to in-demand job skills that address the gaps in the school-to-work journey of K-12 students in the Philippines,” said Wadhwani Foundation president and CEO Ajay Kela. “We are excited to collaborate in the Philippines to leverage AI-driven solutions that empower students, improve public services, and generate jobs.”

Sumber: Philanthropy News Digest

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