Wadhwani Foundation meluncurkan platform keterampilan bertenaga AI untuk menjembatani kesenjangan pendidikan dan pekerjaan



Wadhwani Foundation meluncurkan platform keterampilan bertenaga AI untuk menjembatani kesenjangan pendidikan dan pekerjaan

Wadhwani Foundation, a private philanthropic institution, offers a 24/7 mobile-first AI-powered skilling platform called Wadhwani GenieAI that includes multiple AI Co-Pilots to bridge critical gaps between education and employment in the Philippines.

Ajay Kela berbagi bahwa platform gratis bertenaga AI mereka membekali pelajar Filipina dengan keterampilan kerja yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan melatih para pendidik dalam konseling karier berbasis AI.

The platform provides free career counseling tools and teacher training. The Foundation also offers grants of up to $1 million annually to organizations, supporting sustainable job creation and workforce upskilling.

A survey recently conducted by the Foundation revealed that only 10% of K-12 graduates immediately enter the job market. While 83% pursue university education, only 25% of these university enrollees graduate from higher education institutions.

The survey further showed that the remaining 75% who leave university without completing their degrees eventually join the workforce. Meanwhile, 1.5% of the graduates venture into entrepreneurship, while 5.5% fall into the category of “Not in Education, Employment, or Training.” These factors contribute to job instability and low wages.

“Our free AI-powered platform provides access to in-demand job skills that address the gaps in the school-to-work journey of K-12 students in the Philippines,” said Dr. Ajay Kela, president & CEO of Wadhwani Foundation. “We are excited to collaborate in the Philippines to leverage AI-driven solutions that empower students, improve public services, and generate jobs.”

The Foundation currently collaborates with over 60 partners across the Philippines, reaching 22,000 students through AI Co-Pilots. It helps students build in-demand job skills and make informed career choices, while also providing training for educators to deliver AI-driven career counseling.

Boosting Job Creation in PHL

Untuk meningkatkan penciptaan lapangan kerja di Filipina, Wadhwani Foundation, melalui badan pemberi hibahnya, Wadhwani Charitable Foundation (WCF), juga menawarkan hibah hingga $1 juta dolar AS setiap tahunnya kepada organisasi-organisasi yang memiliki dampak besar.

“We are looking for nonprofit organizations, enterprises, and academic institutions that share our vision to boost job creation for the 21st-century workforce,” said Angela Chen-Delantar, vice-president for Skilling of Wadhwani Foundation.

“Our funding will help them expand impact, enabling us to reach 1 million lives by 2030 and providing more Filipinos with job opportunities for a better future.”

WCF seeks organizations in the country focused on job fulfillment or creation, with a proven track record of scaling impact. Ideal partners operate within a $1-million to $5-million budget, demonstrating strong leadership in their sector.

Aside from the annual funding, WCF provides comprehensive support to partner organizations including access to the GenieAI platform for job creation, skilling and placement, and opportunities to collaborate with the Foundation’s global network, leveraging expertise in program management and impact measurement.

Inisiatif pendanaan ini juga ditawarkan di negara-negara berkembang lainnya yang memiliki populasi anak muda yang besar dan terus bertambah seperti Meksiko, Brasil, dan Indonesia.

The Wadhwani Foundation, a nonprofit tech organization founded in 2001 by Silicon Valley entrepreneur Dr. Romesh Wadhwani, is dedicated to accelerating job growth and improving lives across Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

Organizations can learn more about Wadhwani GenieAI at web.opportunity.wfglobal.org and apply for the grant via the Foundation’s website at www.wadhwanifoundation.org.

Sumber: Dunia Bisnis


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