Startup Kashmir mendapatkan pendanaan awal yang besar dari IIT Ropar



Startup Kashmir mendapatkan pendanaan awal yang besar dari IIT Ropar

Srinagar, 22 Feb: In yet another promising  development for the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Jammu and Kashmir, the Kashmir Angel Network (KAN) has  announced the infusion of seed funding from IIT Ropar into Wildfloc Adventures, one of the startups nurtured within KAN’s network.

“This investment, facilitated through our collaboration with the Wadhwani Foundation, stands as a significant milestone not only for Wildfloc Adventures but also as a testament to the immense potential and innovative spirit present in the Kashmir region as a whole”, KAN said in a statement to Ziraat Times.

The journey of Wildfloc Adventures through the entrepreneurship training program propelled by KAN and Wadhwani Foundation showcased the immense potential of the startup. Through rigorous training and mentorship, Wildfloc Adventures emerged as a standout venture, attracting the attention of prestigious institutions like IIT Ropar, KAN said.

Baca lebih lanjut:
Ziraat Times
Kehidupan Kashmir
Kashmir Raya
BNN Melanggar

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