Fomentar el espíritu empresarial, mejorar las competencias | Sospechosos inusuales



Fomentar el espíritu empresarial, mejorar las competencias | Sospechosos inusuales

Entrepreneurs in emerging economies have been tackling key challenges such as capital access, policy support, and critical gaps. How can these challenges be addressed? The importance of entrepreneurship in job creation and fueling economic growth, ensuring reduced ‘brain drain,’ and retaining the existing talent pool in the country, especially in emerging economies like India, can never be over-emphasized. How can India address this by creating job opportunities and upskilling the vast talent pool?  How are AI, machine learning, and tech altering the landscape of entrepreneurship?  In this episode, Meetul B Patel, President of Entrepreneurship & Government Digital Transformation, Wadhwani Foundation, dives deep into all of these and much more. Tune in.

Fuente: Moneycontrol

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