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Can skill-based curriculum replace existing higher education system?

Wadhwani Opportunity EVP Sunil Dahiya’s article titled “Can skill-based curriculum replace existing higher education system?” has been published in the Kannada daily, Suvarna Times of Karnataka.

The articles impresses upon the fact that education is important, but skill is necessary. We need hands-on skills for the simple reason that bookish knowledge can help us taste only limited success. For example, when we are learning science, we often perform experiments in the lab simply because it is a well-known fact real-world knowledge is gained in real-life situations. Today, acquiring skill isn’t just a technique; it is the very basic art of survival. Skills signify the dire need of the hour as it is the backbone of the country. People with skill-based education are better learners as they have learned from experience and continually keep adding inputs to their knowledge bank.

Suvarna Times Of Karnataka – 13.10.21

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