Additional Terms of Use

Additional Terms of Use

Welcome to our mentorship program! We appreciate your participation.

These additional Terms of Use are specific to the mentorship program and should be read in conjunction with our existing policies, including but not limited to our Privacy Policy, End User License Agreement (EULA), and Terms of Use, which apply to the entire platform.

In the case of personal data shared as part of the Program, you declare that you are aware of and fully accept the Wadhwani Foundation Privacy Policy (available at: policy/).

Before proceeding, it’s vital to emphasize the importance of maintaining confidentiality. Trust is the cornerstone of this mentorship relationship, and safeguarding sensitive information is our top priority.


Treat all information shared through the platform as strictly confidential. This encompasses, but is not limited to, business plans, financial data, trade secrets, and proprietary information.

By clicking “I Accept,” you understand and acknowledge the significance of preserving the confidentiality of proprietary business information and personal data. You are committed to open discussions while also taking responsibility for safeguarding this information. Only share information/data for which you have the legal right and is necessary for the mentorship. Communicate your expectations of confidentiality with the assigned mentor before sharing any information/data, and comply with applicable data protection and privacy laws. This collaboration opportunity thrives on mutual trust and confidential mentorship.

Messageboard Terms of Use:

The messageboard (or similar feature) is for communication and collaboration among mentors and startups/third parties. By using our messageboard, you agree to:

  1. Respect: Treat all users with respect and professionalism. Avoid offensive, defamatory, or harassing language or behavior.
  2. Content: Post content that is relevant to the mentorship program and respectful of others’ views. Avoid spam, unrelated promotions, and excessive self-promotion.
  3. Confidentiality: Do not share confidential information or proprietary data on the messageboard. Use private channels for such discussions, with caution and at your own risk. Report any breaches of confidentiality immediately to the program administrators.
  4. Moderation: Understand that our messageboard is moderated to ensure a positive and productive environment. Inappropriate content, including but not limited to hate speech, discrimination, or personal attacks, may be removed.
  5. Privacy: Respect the privacy of others. Do not share personal contact information or sensitive data of fellow mentors or startups.
  6. Intellectual Property: Ensure that content shared on the messageboard does not infringe on the intellectual property rights of others. If you quote or reference external sources, provide proper attribution.
  7. Liability: You are responsible for your own posts. We are not liable for any content posted by users. However, we reserve the right to take necessary actions to maintain a safe and constructive environment.
  8. Reporting: If you come across any violations of these terms or encounter inappropriate behavior, report it to the program administrators promptly.
  9. No-Tolerance policy and Termination: We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to the messageboard if you violate these terms or engage in harmful behavior.

By using our platform and messageboard, you agree to these terms and guidelines. Failure to comply may result in access restrictions.

Volunteer work of mentors

The Mentoring Program may be conducted by volunteer mentors, selected and trained by the Wadhwani Foundation or its agents, following the Volunteer Work Laws (Brazilian Law nº 9.608/1998 or similar applicable laws in other jurisdictions), and with the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of the Wadhwani Foundation, with the objective essential to carry out activities related to the mentoring and training of beneficiaries of the Program, through the platform. By joining the Program, you expressly declare that you are aware and aware of the voluntary nature of the relationship you establish with the Wadhwani Foundation, as per applicable laws, recognizing that:

  1. your services will be provided to the Wadhwani Foundation freely and voluntarily, without the right to any type of remuneration from the Wadhwani Foundation, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
  2. there is no employment or functional relationship, or any obligations of a labor, social security or similar nature with the Wadhwani Foundation and/or its affiliated institutions, partners and those responsible for implementing the Program, in any location or territory.
  3. expenses arising from the exercise of voluntary activities will not be reimbursed by the Wadhwani Foundation, except when previously and expressly authorized in writing, and as long as they are linked to the exercise of the voluntary work carried out.
  4. you are responsible for any damage or loss that you may cause, in the course of your activities, to users and/or the Wadhwani Foundation.
  5. have read and agree with all the terms and conditions of Brazilian Law No. 9.608/1998 and/or any other applicable laws;
  6. that accepts to act as a mentor for the Program with punctuality, assiduity, interest, and in accordance with the conditions defined here.

Intellectual Property:

Any materials, photos or videos prepared by you and made available on the platform for use in the mentoring program will be subject to a license of use to Wadhwani Foundation. Therefore, by clicking “I accept”, you expressly grant to the Wadhwani Foundation a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, nonexclusive, worldwide license to use and sublicense any existing copyrights and any other intellectual property rights on such content, without any financial compensation being owed to you, for the sole use for non-commercial purposes and to fulfill the social objectives of the Wadhwani Foundation.

Use of Image and/or Voice:

By agreeing to the terms set out here, you authorize the Wadhwani Foundation, without any burden and definitively, irrevocably, irreversibly, and for an indefinite period, to use and reproduce, through any form of technology, your name, image, and/or voice captured during the mentoring program, for use in Wadhwani Foundation outreach activities, without the need for new authorization.


These Additional Terms of Use will remain in full force and effect for as long as the provision of voluntary services by the Program mentor lasts, respecting the indefinite period of use of image and/or voice discussed above and any IP licensed.

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